M2M MULTIX++臺式超聲波相控陣探傷儀


MULTIX ++完全并行架構提供無與倫比的性能。 MULTIX ++系統是優化檢測速度的理想選擇,可以并行驅動多達256個通道。 可直接使用其專用軟件或通過第三方應用程序遠程使用。 可以使用設置軟件處理復雜的配置。




MultiX ++系統可以執行電子和/或扇形掃查,全矩陣捕獲(FMC),脈沖回波,采用標準UT,TOFD,線性,矩陣,TRL,個性化2D ...相控陣探頭進行間距捕獲采集,最多可包含256個晶片

表面自適應超聲波 (SAUL)

表面自適應超聲波 (SAUL) 技術專為復雜復合材料結構的檢測而設計,可使用獨特的配置檢測具有不同幾何形狀(平面,凹面,凸面)的元件。 SAUL是飛機制造商及其供應商使用的理想工具,用于檢測復雜的復合材料部件。


智能柔性探頭是由CEA和IMASONIC共同設計的相控陣探頭(線性或矩陣),具有適形的前面和實時輪廓。 SMART是M2M處理這些探頭的軟件插件。當探頭沿著復雜的部件移動時,SMART能夠實時保持超聲波束的特性。


快速模式本身包含在MultiX ++系統中,可優化多個孔徑的并行點火(在相同或不同的探頭上)。 它旨在提高生產率,同時保持與電子掃查所達到的相同分辨率。
此外,當接收陣列的整個光圈與電子掃描相結合時,快速模式甚至可以實現更快的速度。 此過程僅需單詞發射的時間。 非常適合檢測厚元件又要求速度的情況。


Hardware acquisition gates, software gates, synchronization of gates
Acquisition trigger on event (threshold, echo, etc.),
acquisition on user-specified trigger (e.g., time, coder)
Choice of data (e.g., RF, peaks, elementary A-Scan), real-time imaging, user-specified configuration
Public file format for parameters (XML) and data (binary), max. data flow 30 MB/s
Customized focusing, electronic scanning, sectorial scanning,
full matrix capture (FMC)
Pulse-echo and transmit-receive modes, DDF with dynamic aperture
2GB hardware RAM (enabling fast multiplexing),
Corrected images (e.g., sectorial B-Scan, C-Scan)
Adjustable voltage: 30 to 200V with 1V step
Negative rectangular pulse
Adjustable width: 30 ns to 625 ns, step of 2.5 ns
Rise time < 10 ns (200V, 50 ?)
Max. PRF: 30 KHz
Bandwidth: 0.8 to 20MHz
Adjustable gain on each channel from 0 to 80 dB
Cross-talk between two channels > 50 dB
Max. input signal amplitude: 0.8 Vpp
Adjustable analog DAC on 80 dB (max. 40 dB/µs) synchronized on events
Digitizing and real-time summation on 32-channel boards
Max. sampling frequency: 100 MHz (adjustable from 100 MHz to 6.6 MHz)
Global delay: 0 up to 1.6 ms, step of 10 ns
Delay-laws at transmission/reception: 0 to 20 µs, step of 2.5 ns
Range: 16 bits
FIR filters
Input impedance: 50 ?
Digitizing depth: up to 50,000 samples (16,000 samples max. per elementary channel)
hardware / firmware configuration
Parallel summations for fast data acquisition / beam forming
Parallel architecture: 32-, 64-, 128-, and 256-channel systems are available
FPGA on CPU-board
Windows-based PC, USB2 link between Hardware and PC (desktop or laptop)
CIVA subset into Multi2000 software, complete description of the inspection configurationFocal-laws and associated ultrasonic field computation
Compatibility with CIVA, NDT kit / ULTIS
32: 1 Hypertronix connector      64,128: 2 Hypertronix connectors       256: 4 Hypertronix
8 encoders input, 31 analog input + 1 synchro output
2 switch, 4 TTL inputs, 4 TTL outputs
8 analog outputs, 2 open collector, 1 I/O  synchro,1 USB2
16 analog inputs, 4 LEMO connectors (type 00) (up to 8 optional)
32, 64, 128: L x W x H: 236 mm x 376 mm x 266 mm
Weight: ~9.5 kg
256: L x W x H:  342 mm x 376 mm x 266 mm
Weight: ~13 kg
 Indicated values may change without notice.